Parker Orr
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
My Blog About My Blog
This year as a assignment I had to create a blog and update it weekly. While it has been very easy points I am NOT going to continue to blog. I feel that a blog is good if it is about one specific topic. Like an informational blog. Say I wanted to look up some facts about a certian topic, I wouldnt mind reading a blog about said topic. But I wouldnt want to read a blog about one peice on that topic and fourty other topics as well and have to sift throught the information to try to find what I was looking for. I do not like blogs at all.
Monday, May 21, 2012
What I would Change in the Student Handbook
If I could change one rule in our Sand Creek Student Handbook, I would have to change the Mandatory Exam policy. I would change this because the mandatory exam rule, because exams don't show what a student learned. It just test how well a student can cram information before the exam. I think every student in this entire school would whole-hearted agree with me that this rule should be dis banned and the old exam rule should be reinstated. Because no one, in there right mind would ever, even think about wanting exams. I think that the teachers will also like this because that's just less test that they have to distribute and grade.
One rule that I would create a rule to the handbook, Is SWTOR day, day. On this day every week, all students should be required to play SWTOR and skip a class. I would like to add this day because I love star wars and I think that other people would love it if they gave it a try. I do not think the staff would like this rule to much though, because it would take away from their class time. If someone broke this new rule, the consequences would be fatal... DEATH! More specifically a public stoning.
One rule that I would create a rule to the handbook, Is SWTOR day, day. On this day every week, all students should be required to play SWTOR and skip a class. I would like to add this day because I love star wars and I think that other people would love it if they gave it a try. I do not think the staff would like this rule to much though, because it would take away from their class time. If someone broke this new rule, the consequences would be fatal... DEATH! More specifically a public stoning.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Senor's Last Week
I have quite a few friends that are senors. Although they are not as close to me as my Junior friends are, my life will not be the same without them. They make each class more bearable the longer I have to be at this wretched school. Like the many senors this year, next year I'm going to be a bit of a slacker. Not that I not now. But next year I am able to because I took a lot of blow off classes. Like I seriously have like one serious class then the rest are easy A's. But ya back to the topic I will miss my senor friends that I have made over the course of this year.
Monday, May 7, 2012
I really enjoyed prom. I think prom is an important part of a high school experience. Yes, it may cost a ton, but going to school dances and having a good time is, what I think, essential to living a fun and fulfilling life. I had an amazing time at prom, it seemed like it all went by so quickly, it seemed like they only played like 7 songs. Of course the best part of prom was the dancing. But something that was just as fun was after prom. After Prom had tons of stuff to do, like a bounce house, a laser tag arena, a basketball tourney, a volleyball tourney, and a dodge ball tourney. And i played a lot of it.
Monday, April 30, 2012
What is on my Mind
Well I have quite a few things on my mind today. First we will start with Star Wars the Old Republic, as always. I made a brand new Sith Inquisitor girl named Emiilia. I only got her to level 19, because I didn't have time to work on her on Saturday because most of the day I was helping Andrew Stump's Grandma move out of her house. The next thing on my mind is the College Humor series Trooper. Its a bad replica of a pair of Star Wars Troopers going through their crazy lives, its really funny. That's what is on my mind.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Like most people in the USA, I do have a facebook. Im not on it a whole lot though. Really I only get on because my Ipod shows the little missed message icon and it drives me crazy just sitting there and watching it. Sometimes I dont even look at what the missed icon was. I just open the tag and then close it without even reading it. Just so the icon will go away. I honstely have no clue why people get on facebook so much. There really isnt that much to do, besides games like a football team builder or somthing like that, because I have a few friends that do that alot. Who I really think should be using facebook is people who are looking to hire people. You know they can get on and see what that person likes and what they act like and the way they treat people. There are some good things and some bad things about using facebook as well. If your parents are divorced its a good way to keep in touch with relitives. You can use it to keep track of events that you will be attending. It also good for getting ahold of a friend if they dont have a cell phone, i've had a few friends do that as well. But you have to be careful what you put online, because it's accessable to just about anyone. It can also become addicting, and you can spend way to much time on it. Finally, internet bullies are no acception on facebook, so you need to be careful. I recommend only having a few real friends because thats a safe way to keep in touch with good friends, because no one can really have hundreds of friends.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Nothings Better Than
I believe there is nothing better than being at Josh Adams house, with perfect connection, playing the game Star Wars the Old Republic. I know this picture is a bad representation but you get the point.

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